Latitude 50° 19.73 N
Longitude 004° 14.72 W
Depth 18m
Object Type Cup
Material Ceramic
Description White ceramic mug made in 1943
Diameter 88mm max.
Height 92mm
Condition Good
Completeness 100 %
Number of items 1
Location Description James Eagan Layne, Plymouth
Accuracy 5m
Seabed type In wreck

Liberty 70 Mugs (10A17, 11A17)

A white ceramic mug found inside the engineroom of the wreck of the James Eagan Layne and was used on board the ship (1). The mug is possibly restaurant ware and was manufactured in 1943 by McNichol China, Clarksburg, West Virginia in the USA. The cup is 88mm diameter at the top, 83mm at the bottom and 79mm at the waist, the height is 92mm and thickness 9mm.

The D E McNicol Pottery started in 1892 at East Liverpool, Ohio, and in the 1920s moved to Clarksburg (2). The firm was most famous for its calendar and souvenir plates. The company built a large additional plant in Clarksburg, in 1914, which specialised in hotel ware for a wide variety of institutional, and concentrated production there after 1927. Operations ceased around 1969 (3).

email If you have any more information about these finds then please contact us.





Liberty 70 Project

Wreck - James Eagan Layne

(1) P. Evans, pers comm.

(2) McNichol pottery and china companies

(3) McNichol Restaurant ware bowl