Latitude 50° 16.435 N
Longitude 004° 01.969 W
Depth 42m
Accuracy 5m
Location Description Off Stoke Point
Reference UKHO 17897
Craft type Barge
Date built Unknown
Date of loss Unknown
Manner of loss Unknown
Outcome Abandoned
Construction Steel
Propulsion None
Nationality Unknown
Hull length 40m
Hull beam Unknown
Hull tons Unknown
Armament None
Crew Unknown
Built Unknown
Master Unknown
Owners Unknown

Stoke Barge

First located in 1984, this 40m long wreck is thought to be a coal barge, it lies a few metres proud of the seabed in 42m with a shallow scour round the hull.

Any further information or photographs would be appreciated.















email If you have any more information about this ship then please contact us.